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RESO 2931.24 Approving the Purchase of Access Control Barrier Gate Systems for the Town Including Parking Areas
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RESO 2930.24 Approving the Agreement Between the Department of Health and the Town of Golden Beach for Quality Water Testing
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RESO 2926.24 Approving a Third Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Mainguy Environmental Care, Inc.
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RESO 2925.24 Approving an Amendment to the Agreement with David T. Caserta Government Relations, Inc. for Consulting Services for the Period Beginning November 1, 2023 through October 31, 2024
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RESO 2924.24 Authorizing and Approving a Variance Request for Property Located at 212 Golden Beach Dr. to Permit the First Floor Finished Elevation to be at 7.44′ NAVD 88, Instead of the Required 9′ NAVD 88 Elevation as Stipulated in the Code
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Reso 2923.24 Authorizing the Use of Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) Monies to Provide for the Purchase of Eleven (11) Emergency Call Boxes
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Reso 2922.24 Authorizing the Installation of Conduit and Wiring for the Light Fixtures, the Installation of Retaining Walls, and the Purchase of Site Furniture and Equipment for the Reimagined Tweddle Park Project and Authorizing a Total Park Budget in an Amount not to Exceed $1,742,926.16
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Reso 2921.24 Authorizing Additional Scope of Work to the Design-Build Agreement with Gerrits Construction, Inc. for the Town Civic Center Project in an Amount not to Exceed $303,325.50
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Reso 2920.24 Authorizing the Transfer of 23 Glock 22, 40-Caliber Firearms from the Town’s Equipment to Law Enforcement Officers
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Reso 2919.24 Authorizing a Variance Request for the Property Located at 550 Golden Beach Dr. to Permit a Portion of the Dock to Extend out 12′-3″ into the Waterway
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Reso 2918.24 Approving a Variance Request for the Property Located at 550 Golden Beach Dr. to Permit a Portion of the Dock on the South Boatlift on the North Side of the Property to Encroach Outside the Town’s D-5 Triangle
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Reso 2917.24 Authorizing a Variance Request for the Property Located at 550 Golden Beach Dr. to Permit a Seawall to Encroach Outside the Property Line
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Reso 2916.24 Authorizing a Variance Request for the Property Located at 538 North Parkway to Permit a Seawall to Encroach Outside the Property Line
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Reso 2915.24 Authorizing a Variance Request for the Property Located at 534 North Parkway to Permit a Seawall to Encroach Outside the Property Line
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Reso 2914.24 Authorizing a Variance Request for the Property Located at 415 Center Island Dr. to Permit a Seawall to Encroach Outside the Property Line
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Reso 2912.23 – Revising the Scope of Services for the Reimagined Tweddle Park Project to Include the Purchase of Lighting Fixtures and Poles in an Amount not to Exceed $162,056.25
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Reso 2911.23 – Authorizing the Purchase and Equipping of Two Chevrolet Tahoe Police Patrol Vehicles and the Use of General Funds to Purchase and Equip the Vehicles
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Reso 2910.23 – Authorizing the Purchase and Equipping of a Ford F250 XL Crew Cab and the Public Services Department Fleet and the Use of General Funds to Purchase and Equip the Vehicle
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Reso 2909.23 – Authorizing the Town’s Participation in Miami-Dade County’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for the Purposes of Supporting the County’s Application
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Reso 2908.23 – Approving the Agreement between the Office of the State Attorney of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida and the Town of Golden Beach
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